Lily & Mim

Lily and Mim are a lesbian interfaith couple expecting their first baby.

Mim maintains a deep connection to her Jewish traditions and cultural practices. In Judaism, these traditions extend beyond religion — they encompass a rich tapestry of customs and values passed down through generations as part of the Jewish people’s shared heritage.

As part of their journey, Lily and Mim choose to organize a Brit Milah (sometimes known as a ‘bris’), or circumcision ceremony, for their son when he is 8 days old if he is clinically well. This ancient practice, rooted in the covenant established by the Jewish forefather Avraham, symbolises a bond between the Divine and the male infant. It marks the beginning of a spiritual journey that continues with education and culminates in a Bar Mitzvah, a coming-of-age ceremony at 13, when he is recognized as a legal adult in Jewish law. The Brit Milah is often celebrated with a joyful gathering of family and friends, as food and community are central to Jewish life. This ritual holds deep significance across all Jewish communities, connecting them through shared history and values.

Brit Milah may be unfamiliar to many birth workers, as circumcision is not commonly performed on male infants in the UK. After the procedure, most babies heal quickly with appropriate care, which includes breastfeeding for comfort and frequent nappy changes to ensure excellent hygiene of the genital area. If complications arise, seeking prompt advice from the paediatric team is important.