Written resources for key issues in pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period

We have compiled third party resources in Hebrew and Yiddish which may be of use to clinicians working in these languages, or caring for women, birthing people and families that use Hebrew or Yiddish as a first language.

Click the name of the author organisation to access the resource.

Please note that Shifrah UK does not own this information and is not responsible for accuracy of translation - the intention is for signposting only.

  • LabourPains - Pain relief in labour and Anaesthesia for Caesarean information

    Lamaze - Continuous support in labour

    Lamaze - Healthy birth practices

    Lamaze - Keep mother and baby together

    RCOG/GBS Support- Group B Strep in pregnancy and newborn babies

    UCLH - About customised growth charts in pregnancy

  • Mama Academy - Pregnancy passport - essential information

    UKHSA - A guide to RSV vaccination for pregnancy women

    UKHSA - The flu vaccination: who should have it and why