Tamar & Yaacov

Tamar and Yaacov are an observant Jewish couple who are pregnant with their seventh child.

In Tamar and Yaacov’s birth journey, touch and presence in the birth room hold significant meaning. In some traditional Jewish communities, a husband’s role might take place outside the birth room, where he focuses on intentional prayers for the woman and their baby, while a female doula provides hands-on support. The extent of the separation often depends on the couple’s personal preferences; Yaacov will may stay by Tamar’s side, offering encouragement and physical presence up until the point when contact between them becomes prohibited according to their customs.

Shabbat observance is also an integral part of their lives. If Tamar’s labour, birth, or hospital stay occurs between sunset on Friday and nightfall on Saturday, the sanctity of Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, becomes an important consideration. While Tamar may not need to fully observe Shabbat rituals during labor and recovery, Yaacov and their family members will likely continue to honour its practices. For example, travel and the use of electronics are restricted, so family members may visit Tamar and the baby on foot, and not be able to press electronic door buzzers.

Tamar and Yaacov also follow taharat hamishpachah, the laws of family purity, which include refraining from physical touch and intimacy during Tamar’s period or postpartum bleeding, and for seven days afterward. This means that in the early postpartum period Tamar will sleep separately with the baby, and Yaacov will provide support without physical contact. However, their community will step in with practical help, such as delivering meals, cleaning, and laundry assistance, allowing Tamar to focus on recovery and establishing breastfeeding.